Pictured outside the Police Department is Kevin Huntsman, who made Portofino his home in August of 2024. He was attracted to the town by the friendly, welcoming faces he met, along with the undeniable vitality of the community. Seeking a place where he could truly feel at home, Kevin quickly realized that Portofino’s warm atmosphere was the perfect setting for the next chapter of his life.
Do you hold any positions in Portofino?
Kevin Huntsman: Currently, I hold the position of Chief of Police. I enjoy the position highly and take great pride in leading the department in a straight and narrow direction. I highly advocate for officer discretion, and I look for all quality traits in people to see if they'd be great officers.
What do you love the most about Portofino?
Kevin Huntsman: The peacefulness, the faces. I love getting out into the community and interacting with all the kind people of the community.