Pictured outside the court house is Aiden Blakewell. He moved to the City of Portofino around thanksgiving. He had heard so much about the town and its people from his friends, prompting him to pack up his life with his son and move here to explore. Aiden was in search of an ideal place to raise his child, and he found exactly that in Portofino.
Do you hold any positions in Portofino?
Aiden Blakewell: I am the chief of justice here. I have worked hard on transforming the courthouse from the ground up. I have amazing lawyers, judges, and clerks that work alongside me. I have been in the court system roleplay for over 8 years. I am a bit of a crime nerd and love seeing the roleplay come to life inside the courtroom. I am planning to bring a lot of different types of roleplay outside the normal criminal/traffic hearings.
What do you love the most about Portofino?
Aiden Blakewell: I love the inclusivity and diversity within Portofino. This town welcomes everyone with openness, creating a sense of belonging and family. I also love that there's so much you can do here, from restaurants to places to take an energetic 1-year-old. There are also many events where the community comes together and role-plays together.